
26 Apr

Two people locked in an unhappy marriage. Neither one wants to be the first to let go. Break.Move on.Walk alone towards an unknown future.

It’s been forever since they were together.So long that neither one of them remembers the time when they were single. The unhappiness and dissatisfaction has become a part of their everyday.It is the familiarity that keeps them together than the love they once shared.

Looking back , they never had an intense passionate relationship. It was just soothing and comforting as slipping into a good old comfy pajama after a hard day at work.She needed the peace and quiet of a non confrontational relationship and he needed someone to come back to.It worked out fine. When other couples around them cribbed and complained they held on to each other silently. Slowly they went on the engagement and wedding route to keep in with social norms with neither excitement nor distaste . It was just something you did after being together for a long time.

Trouble started when she suddenly thrown into an unfamiliar territory started feeling lonely in this silent world they shared. She felt a need to talk and connect. The more she tried to reach out and bond the more he withdrew. He didn’t know how to deal with this situation when he no longer could go into the long brooding silences for which he wasn’t questioned.The more he distanced himself , the more her loneliness grew.

Days passed and months grew into years , their relationship was at a pause. Neither going forward nor breaking.Talking about emotions was something neither of them were comfortable with so the silences grew longer. The easy comfort they termed love turned into just familiarity.

They knew somewhere deep down that they are dissatisfied and unhappy but doing something meant disturbing the carefully balanced familiar routine.

It is better this way they thought. It’s better to dwell locked up in a familiar cage then to fly out and explore the unknown sky.

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Posted by on April 26, 2014 in Miscellaneous


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